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RateWatch NOW Daily Update August 12, 2009

8/12/09 11:14 AM
RateWatch NOW Daily Update August 12, 2009
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dsavage - 8/12/09 5:54 PM
EVERYONE, do you have any specific questions for Dan or concepts that you would like him to discuss in more detail in the coming weeks
mrohde - 8/12/09 2:47 PM
I try to catch this each day. I am not a financial anyalyst but with your information to start the day I don't have to be. It just gives me a feel for which way we may see rates trending and how to weave that into my daily interaction with clients. Thanks and keep them coming.
drawitch - 8/12/09 1:37 PM
Hi Rick...thanks for the kind words! I do not have any additional bells and whistles. I use a program called "Snagit" to copy the charts from the RateWatch site. I then paste them onto a blank powerpoint slide. I can annotate the slides using my Snagit or PowerPoint. If you want, I can post the slides on my From there you can grab them and make them your own!
RickThomas - 8/12/09 1:07 PM
Always great insights Dan. I would like to create videos like you do. How do you toggle so easily between the different rate watch screens? Do you create a Powerpoint presentation and then click different slides to add in each text line in your opening left column - right column analysis? Do you have additional management controls which allow you to make videos with more "bells and whistles?" Again, Great Great Reports Always
rbaicar - 8/12/09 12:45 PM
Your report each day is the reason I signed up with MC the only complaint is I am on the east coast and would love to have it earlier. But other then that it is great.

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  • average rating of 4.9 (217 votes)

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