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Introduction to Dylan Kramer

8/24/09 3:11 PM
Chicago Loan Officer Dylan Kramer shows how he and his team run the numbers for your Chicago area Mortgage Loan.
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ScottNicholson - 8/26/09 12:18 AM
Dylan, as also great video and well put together. You must dominate that windy city. Great Job !
bsute - 8/25/09 9:14 PM
Dylan, Awesome job, man. I love how you made the presentation about their dreams and goals and backed it up with the numbers. Let's face it, our clients don't want a mortgage - they want college education, comfortable retirement, etc. You showed them how the mortgage can help accomplish these goals. Also, you absolutely nailed the fact that YOU are the professional mortgage planner in Chicago to help them accomplish their goals. I imagine you will not be rate shopped very often once you execute your presentation. Great job!
jwolfe - 8/25/09 7:20 PM
Powerful, tight presentation!!! Great example of Roberto's teaching...also your integration of Client's objectives, loan options, and mastery of the numbers shows how well Client's are served by true professionals. Too many so-called LO's don't understand financial analysis, let alone how to use it as a tool to serve our Client's needs. Thanks for setting a very high standard for the rest of us to strive for. (...and am I glad you're not competing in my immediate market...phew!)
mrohde - 8/25/09 3:23 PM
Dylan, In our MC Webinar this was exactly what I was eluding to in my questions on the chat. This is a great idea. Clients can watch this video at their leisure and it is extremely professional and an efficient use of of your time. Great Job!
tsainsbury - 8/25/09 10:49 AM
Way to OBLIGATE your client to a higher payment with no interest rate savings, so you can earn an extra .125%-.25% in yield spread.
GregPrete - 8/24/09 5:36 PM
Nicely done, DMoney!

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