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The Story of Dave - Mortgage Coach - Edgy

2/23/10 1:20 PM
An edgier look at The story of Dave and why it is so important to work with a trusted mortgage professional who utilizes the industry leading and cutting edge software from Mortgage Coach. Work with the best!
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mrohde - 3/15/10 2:17 PM
Dustin, great concept and the story was very easy to follow. The only criticism I had was at the end of your video I don't know who to call. Your contact information isn't in the video. Probably by design I know but I was looking for your information at the end. Great concept though and the execution was well done.
boarder26 - 3/3/10 1:56 PM
I second that idea of making a movie, and how can we make movies like this? Looks like fun.
DustinHughes - 3/2/10 6:14 PM
Thanks everyone for the nice comments. What a great group of Mtg Professionals. The feedback has been so generous, I am already planning out my next video idea that will be perfect for you all to see... it will be different from the Dave video and I hope it will inspire you to think outside the box as you continue to create your videos and utilize Mortgage Coach.
bjocampo - 3/2/10 3:28 PM
Great work, Dustin! Thank you very much for sharing this with the MC community. I admire your giving heart.
cgarner - 3/2/10 2:58 PM
How much would you charge to make a video for me? WOW - love it! Keep me posted at [email protected]
despinoza - 3/2/10 2:32 PM
Great Video! To the point..without fluff.
ews3 - 3/2/10 1:50 PM
Great video... AWESOME!
alanhwhite - 3/2/10 12:57 PM
Great job! You deserve an oscar nomination for this!
nruiz - 3/2/10 10:37 AM
Wow! What a cool video! Very creative and love the music! Great job, Dustin! Thanks for sharing.
jglynn - 3/2/10 10:25 AM
dude -over the TOP! I love Frankie - and I LOVE the music. Are you a part time ad agency guy or something? that is top-notch product.
dlevitt - 3/1/10 12:48 PM
Wow. Brilliant and Generous too. I'd love to know the tools you utilized even though I will NEVER master them as you have. Thanks for the inspiration. Thanks for sharing.
jnunley - 2/28/10 11:46 AM
I'm simply blown away! What a fun and powerful video. If anyone watches this video and doesn't "get it" I would be shocked. Thank you so much for sharing.
Helen_Williams - 2/28/10 8:47 AM
The only thing I can see you missed was giving YOUR information of how to contact you at the end,... unless this is going to be in the libarary for us to use,..... :-)
Helen_Williams - 2/28/10 8:44 AM
Dustin, wow- pretty obvious this isn't your 1st video :-)- Creative, to the point, quick- great song selections- 5 stars plus!
dsavage - 2/27/10 11:05 PM
Dustin, What a great video! Thank you so much for creating this for the Mortgage Coach Community. I have just spoken to Roberto and he agrees this is the video of the week. We will be highlighting it and breaking it down at this Tuesday's coaching call. I especially love your creativity and the amazing execution of the slides and video making skills.
Eglance - 2/25/10 8:40 PM
Awesome video. Thanks so much for sharing!!!
jrump - 2/24/10 5:35 PM
Dustin, Brilliant! Love bit. Keep up the good work. You have a gift and the sharing of your gift just goes to show what kind of person you are! JRump
ScottNicholson - 2/24/10 12:00 PM
Dustin, I love your work. Thanks for be so generous with your production. ( i know how much time these take and how difficult that software is to use. I spent 5 hrs on it when we spoke and didn't even get a slide done. lol..) thanks Scott
DustinHughes - 2/24/10 11:10 AM
Thanks for all the nice comments MC community. I love creating these videos and hope to put out more in the future (with a variety of styles and techniques I utilize). I left my name out of this video intentionally so YOU could post it on your Facebook pages, blogs, send to your realtors, etc.... These videos have been tremendously successful in my business and I know you will get great results as you "borrow" my vid or continue to create yours. Again, feel free to take it and use it... no need to try and give me credit... I want your partners to think you have cutting edge tools and information. Good luck and keep up the great work on the site. Dustin Hughes
tmiller - 2/24/10 10:50 AM
Great Job! Fun to watch....where is your contact information??
ddebruyn - 2/24/10 9:28 AM
Simply awesome. Great job!
teverman - 2/24/10 12:07 AM
FOR REAL! KILLER! I have started to use Windows Movie Maker, but taking quite a bit of time to learn... Dustin, this is the next age of marketing-- period. Please share how you put this together. (i.e., power point, screen shot/ Utip, Windows Movie maker, etc)..... love it and will implement it IMMEDIATELY!
leahtove - 2/23/10 8:07 PM
I suddenly realized my toe wa tapping! I think this is great! Who did it? Give us a lesson! Please!
lanzoleaga - 2/23/10 5:19 PM
This is one of the greatest videos i have seen in a long time. WOW!
jmcadams - 2/23/10 1:58 PM
Fantastic. I think Dustin was the one that did the Tax Credit video for Jeremy Forcier. What platform lets you add multiple audio tracks over several slides? I truly believe this is the next step in great marketing for LO's. Scott Nicholson has already mastered this. What a way to stand out from the crowd. Mr. Savage how about inviting Dustin to one of our Tuesday coaching calls?
davidkrushinsky - 2/23/10 1:54 PM
love the DMX...
jgibbs - 2/23/10 1:42 PM
Great video Dustin! This is a great way of showing the advantages to using our different software solutions to stand out from the crowd. Thanks for your contribution to our video community!

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Contributed by: DustinHughes who has
  • 3 public videos
  • average rating of 5.0 (43 votes)

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