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Help Move Up Buyers with Proper Strategies!

3/7/10 12:01 PM
Move up buyers have many questions and concerns... my process of analysis and strategies will show these home owners the BEST way to handle selling and moving up to their new home with CONFIDENCE!
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teverman - 3/17/10 4:28 PM
would ya'll believe I did this in a hotel conference room? unlit, BAREFOOT, in pj's, saturday afternoon, on an out of town trip for my daughter's gymnastics meet? because the kids were too loud in my room? for real! If I can do it in that forum, you can do videos anywhere! getterdone
jtrovato - 3/12/10 5:52 AM
Tracy, You were very comfortable in your delivery you conveyed high confidence and it really helped me in the video I am perpareing. This is the best yet. Thank you for sharing and being a leader. Joe T.
joedawg - 3/9/10 12:01 PM
One of the best video's yet. Way to go Tracy!
davidkrushinsky - 3/9/10 10:17 AM
Great way to start off with a story!! Roberto will love it, and so many people can relate to this scenario.
Helen_Williams - 3/8/10 7:32 AM
Tracy- you are truly amazing! congratulations this is great!
teverman - 3/7/10 5:55 PM
Savage, really? Awesome! I'm doing 4 cost of staying or move ip analysis this week for clients who are listed and considering listing and moving up- this is going to yield HUGE results! Reticcular activator man- seeking these opps! Thanks for EVERYTHING!
dsavage - 3/7/10 2:45 PM
Great job Traci! Congratulations on creating the video of the week for the second time. This is a HUGE service to home buyers are quality to move up and Realtors.
nruiz - 3/7/10 2:33 PM
Great video Traci! Awesome concept! You da woman!

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Contributed by: teverman who has
  • 4 public videos
  • average rating of 4.5 (21 votes)

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