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Opportunity Alert!

6/2/10 10:06 AM
Mortgage Rates have dropped to near 50 year lows. The time to act is now. Watch to see how you can save thousands and payoff your mortgage early.
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Rated 4.9 from 34 votes
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jonblaze126 - 7/12/10 6:57 PM
Kathleen this is amazing great job..... Is you are sharing PP presentaion [email protected]...
GregW - 6/24/10 12:13 PM
Kathleen, Bravo!! I'm like the rest, please if you will. Send me a copy at [email protected] Thanks
cindy5553 - 6/24/10 7:46 AM
Wow! My questionis the same as Kays' - Are you sharing your powerpoint? I am new to MC & this technology. My email is [email protected]. Thanks!
kaykay777 - 6/23/10 1:21 PM
Great video Kathleen. Are you sharing your power point. If so please send me a copy at [email protected]. Thanks
CSeely - 6/22/10 9:56 PM
Kathleen, I love the powerpoint if you are sharing please send me a copy at [email protected]. Thanks so much! :)
hijmpr111 - 6/21/10 2:43 PM
Kathleen if you are sharing that powerpoint I would love it! That is so professional- You have a great voice! [email protected]
billywakers - 6/21/10 9:33 AM
Kathleen, great video! What a professional piece! With tools like this its no wonder you are a great success. Thanks for your help and I look forward to more videos.
teverman - 6/17/10 12:29 PM
Kathleen, I just got a chance to watch this. this is an awesome video! You've now inspired me to take the time and do ANOTHER video... I haven't created one in a while... do you mind sharing this power point? [email protected] thanks and way to knock it out of the park!
mrohde - 6/16/10 3:15 PM
Kathleen, This is one of the nicest videos I have come across. It's professional, clean, simple and conveys the message perfectly. Great job!
lenderjane - 6/16/10 12:02 PM
I am more than impressed Thanks again Like the others could you forward the power-point file [email protected] Jane in Va.
tampafinance - 6/16/10 8:51 AM
This is a great video, Kathleen! Thank you for sharing! If you don't mind, I would love to receive the PowerPoint? I am at [email protected] Again, thank you!
ericnewman - 6/15/10 8:52 PM
Great job ... may I have the slides? [email protected] Thanks!
mvernon - 6/15/10 6:23 PM
Hi Kathleen, I really like the video. Would you please forward the PowerPoint file to me? If you don't mind could you email it to [email protected] Best Regards. Mike Vernon
toptiger - 6/15/10 1:49 PM
Great job on video Kathleen! The background graphics actually added to the punch of the numbers on the Total Cost Analysis. Very professionally well done and impressive :) Thanks for sharing.
jayjacobs - 6/11/10 1:39 PM
Kathleen-super job on making this a very simple but yet effective video. The message is clear and moves you to make the call.
CREESE - 6/10/10 4:24 PM
This is an awesome presentation! I'm trying to build my own. Would you mind sharing the PowerPoint file wiht me so I dno't have to reinvent the wheel? If it's ok would you email it to [email protected]. Thanks!
mcginnismark - 6/9/10 11:46 PM
Great job Kathleen! You set the bar pretty high, but you've inspired me to take the steps needed to make a video. I hope you don't mind if I "borrow" some of this great stuff. Now I just need to give myself a deadline!
Lonster - 6/9/10 1:59 PM
Great job Kathleen.
jtrovato - 6/8/10 4:02 PM
WOW, This is reall great Thank you for being a leader. Joe Trovato
kgtaber - 6/4/10 10:00 AM
Thank you all for taking the time to comment. My MC family gave me the tools and inspiration. Dusin, I want your technology skills when I grow up :), then I wouldn't have to rely on my voice... If you ever decide to hold a class, sign me up!
tdruley - 6/4/10 7:42 AM
GREAT Video! Very clear examples as to the beneifts of a refinance whether to lower the rate or lower the term. Aweseome job!!
DustinHughes - 6/3/10 7:27 PM
Kathleen - what a great video. You showed clear examples, articulated your value and you have a fantastic voice for video. Nice job.
dsavage - 6/3/10 10:57 AM
You did a great job of delivering obvious and tangible value to your clients and partners.
WilhelmKoenig - 6/3/10 1:46 AM
Slam dunk! Hire an assistant to help field all the calls you'll be getting. This is excellent.

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  • 5 public videos
  • average rating of 4.9 (38 votes)

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